Nutritionists and health nuts are always on the look out for new food items that they can introduce to the market. One of the latest crazes right now is the use of a certain oil derived from a tropical nut……….

“Coconut Oil!”

Yes, coconuts are nuts. But they can also be defined as a fruit or seed. To be more specific, a coconut is a fibrous one-seeded drupe, also known as a dry drupe. However, when using loose definitions, the coconut can be all three: a fruit, a nut, and a seed.

Here are some health benefits of coconut oil:

  • They are loaded with Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCT)

Though coconut oil mainly consists of saturated fat, this saturated fat is different from those found in long-chained fats of red meat or butter. MCTs are metabolized differently. They go straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they are used as a quick source energy or turned into so-called ketone bodies, which can have therapeutic effects on brain disorders like epilepsy and Alzheimer’s.

  • It kills nasty microorganisms

Coconut oil contains high amounts of Lauric acid. When coconut oil is enzymatically digested, it also forms a monoglyceride called monolaurin. Both lauric acid and monolaurin can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

  • Proven Alzheimers Disease Natural Treatment 

The digestion of MCFA’s by the liver creates ketones which are a readily accessible energy by the brain. Ketones supply energy to the brain without the need of insulin to process glucose into energy.

Recent research has shown that the brain actually creates it’s own insulin to process glucose and power brain cells. As the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient has lost the ability to create its own insulin, the ketones from coconut oil could create an alternate source of energy to help repair brain function.

  • Natural moisturiser

Another little-known use of coconut oil would be as a cosmetic. its helps to improve the appearance of both hair and skin by improving moisture and lipid content. People with dry skin can apply small amounts of coconut oil topically to help improve skin moisture.

  • Anti-aging Properties

According to research published in the medical journalFood and Function, coconut oil improves antioxidant levels and can slow aging. Coconut oil works by reducing stress on the liver and by lowering oxidative stress.

Also, they found that coconut oil may support detoxification because of how it works with the liver. To naturally slow aging take 1 tbsp of coconut oil with anti-oxidant rich berries for breakfast. You can also apply it directly to the skin for additional benefits and smoothing.


What are you waiting for? Start grabbing a bottle of coconut oil for yourself and start reaping its benefits.















Water might just be the elixir to better health! Drinking an adequate amount of water daily is crucial for overall good health as it aids the body in many of its daily functions such as digestion, excretion and absorption. THENATTYBROFESSOR shall share some of the benefits that proper hydration provides with you guys, but first let’s learn more about water.

Water is actually a chemical, a naturally forming chemical made up of two molecules, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

fusion ha trunks and goten

A FUSION-HA! between the two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule forms the chemical compound, H20. This colorless liquid takes up 70% of the Earth’s surface making it the most abundant molecule. Our bodies are also 60% water, and majority of the blood in our bodies is actually water (92% by volume). But enough of that, what we want to know is how it benefits our body!

Benefits of water

  1. Fluid Balance.Because 60% of our bodies consists of water, proper and adequate hydration helps to maintain the body’s fluid balance. This is important for bodily functions such as digestion, regulation of body temperature, circulation etc
  2. Fights Muscle Fatigue. When our muscle cells lack a sufficient amount of water, their balance of fluids and electrolytes dwindle, which can lead to muscle fatigue. And when the muscles are fatigued, it affects their performance.
  3. Weight Loss. YES! You read it correctly, drinking water may actually aid in weight loss. This is because by consuming more water before our meals, it actually helps us to eat less food by making us feel full. Also, some individuals actually get confused between the feeling of thirst and hunger, resulting in the consumption of more food.
  4. Prevents Constipation. Fibre and water go hand in hand when it comes to healthy bowel movements. In the large intestine, water binds with fibre to increase the bulk in stools, making movement through the large intestine smoother.
  5. Better Skin. Water might actually be the best anti-aging solution out there! Water helps to moisturize the skin, thus making it look fresh and supple. It also helps to prevent the skin from looking dry by clearing out toxins.
  6. Clearing Toxins. As described in a previous post, the kidneys help to flush out toxins from the body. But this possess requires water as a medium to which the body can transport the toxins and waste products to be excreted.
  7. Lubricate Joints. Water is actually important for joint lubrication. The cartilage that actually lies between the joints is made up mostly of water. Therefore, water is important for joint health.
  8. Improves Our Mood. When the body is properly hydrated, it is functioning at its best. This lifts our moods and improves our mental state. Try to think back when you were dehydrated, you must have felt very irritated and moody.
  9. Cures Hangovers. Alcohol is a diuretic, which is basically a substance that causes the body to increase its production of urine. This is because alcohol actually blocks the re-absorption of water. Drinking water can help to alleviate the thumping headache from hangovers.
  10. Combat Cancer. Some research suggests that adequate hydration can actually reduce the risks of getting bladder and colon cancer. This might be due to the fact that water helps to remove toxins through the urine and also dilute the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine.


So, now that you have heard about all the benefits of drinking water, THENATTYBROFESSOR shall share with you some guidelines for proper hydration.

spongebob needs water

Guidelines to proper hydration

  1. Drink at least half your body weight in water.
  2. Carry a bottle everywhere, so that you always have a constant supply.
  3. Avoid diuretics such as alcohol, caffeine etc
  4. Individuals who exercise (especially athletes) should aim for a higher water consumption to return the balance of fluids in the body.

THENATTYBROFESSOR hopes that this will encourage more people to drink more water, as the benefits of proper hydration are just a cup away.

drink all the water, pee all the time

Cheers and #StayAlpha











Click to access selecting-and-effectively-using-hydration-for-fitness.pdf



exercise y u so hard


We have all heard time and time again about the benefits of exercise. For example, promoting healthy fat loss, strengthening of muscles and bones, keeps the heart healthy, …etc. But there are some benefits of exercise that may surprise you. With the rising trend of individuals looking to better their health, recent research has uncovered some unexpected benefits of exercise. And THENATTYBROFESSOR will share some of the surprising benefits of exercise with you.

1. Exercise makes you smarter. Those of you looking for an IQ boost, should start exercising! Sounds unbelievable? A study done by the Scientific American, found out that aerobic exercise helped to improve the memory and cognitive abilities of older adults. This has been linked to the bulking up of the hippocampus, which is responsible for cognitive processes such as memory forming, organizing and storing. Other studies have also shown that exercise can help to boost creativity, improve concentration and increase productivity.


2. Exercise reduces stress. Feeling worned out? Going for a run or heading to the gym are some ways to feel better. This is because the neurotransmitters and endorphins that ease depression are released by the body during physical activity. These are the body’s natural “Happy Drug”, so put those antidepressants aside and start exercising. Individuals who exercise regularly often report feeling more motivated, more happy and having a better self-esteem.

3. Exercise improves sleep. Many studies find that exercise actually helps to improve the quality of sleep. A study done by the National Sleep Foundation on patients with chronic insomnia found that by exercising at least 150 minutes per week helped improve sleep duration and the quality of sleep. THENATTYBROFESSOR recommends that you avoid exercising too near bedtime, as it might be counter-productive by increasing your energy levels.


4. Exercise delays aging. Those looking for the elixir of youth, look no further as exercise has been proven to delay the signs of aging. This can be attributed to the fact that exercise improves the quality of skin by aiding in promoting blood flow to your skin. Furthermore, perspiration actually helps to unclog pores and detoxify the skin. Exercise also helps combat health conditions and diseases which keeps the body is a healthy state slowing the aging process.

5. Exercise strengthens the immune system. Falling sick can be a drag, leaving you feel lethargic and weak. A good way to prevent yourself from falling sick too often would be incorporating exercise into your daily lives. Exercise helps to boost your immunity allowing you to combat bacteria and viruses better.


THENATTYBROFESSOR has just added five new reasons for you to start exercising. Do note that exercising is not a one time event, but a continuous journey. For starters, it is easier to stay committed and motivated doing an exercise that you actually enjoy. (For example, picking a sport you enjoy, joining a group of friends for physical activity… etc) After reading this post, I hope that it will convince you to start exercising and living a healthy lifestyle.

exercise icon

Cheers and #StayAlpha






With the rise and improvement of technology nowadays, as well as the increase in health awareness by the general public, it is no surprise that more mobile applications have been catered to health and fitness. But with all the mobile junk we are constantly flooded with, which applications are the best? THENATTYBROFESSOR has helped to shortlist the Top 5 mobile applications for the average fitness enthusiast. And the best part is that they are totally free! (Who doesn’t enjoy freebies?)

1. Argus

argus app pic

Who says getting fit has to be expensive? For those not looking to spend hundreds of dollars on activity trackers such as Fitbit, Jawbone or the like, let me introduce you to Argus. Argus is an activity tracker that works hand-in-hand with the iPhone without the need for expensive and flashy gizmos. Just by carrying your phone around, Argus tracks your activity levels. You can even manually log your workouts, food and water intake and even take photos of your progress to further motivate yourself!

2. Fitocracy

fitocracy app pic

Fitocracy is a personal workout log that even comes with an in-built personal trainer to help those confused about the “how-tos” of exercise. Fitocracy encourages friendly competition and motivates users through its use of game-like stats. The best part about Fitocracy is its community of like-minded individuals who are fitness enthusiasts, ranging from activities such as swimming, to cycling and weight-training. The social aspect of Fitocracy increases the motivation and dedication towards reaching your fitness goals. (Be warned! Post a status about skipping a workout and get ready to be flooded with supportive and encouraging comments)

3. MyFitnessPal


Just as its name suggests, MyFitnessPal, is really your pal when it comes to food tracking. It is a mobile app that helps track food intake and the amount of calories burned through physical activity. After going through any food trackers, MyFitnessPal has the largest database of foods, even local foods (such as Mee Rebus, Kuehs, etc). Other features include allowing users to keep track of their recipes, therefore making it easier to track their calories in future events.

4. Johnson & Johnson Official 7-minute Workout App

7-Minute-App pic

Pressed for time? No time to exercise? Fret not, the Johnson & Johnson Official 7-Minute Workout App allows you to squeeze in a workout in, yes as its name suggests, 7 minutes. The workouts are based on the High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) principle, which seeks to give maximum performance within a limited time frame. Users can also tune into their personal music libraries to further enhance their workouts. With such a good application, there’s no excuse to not squeezing in a workout into your busy schedules.

5. Sleepbot

sleepbot app pic

Sleep and rest are often overlooked in a typical workout regimen. Sleepbot is a sleep tracker that allows users to monitor how well their sleeping. It tracks sleep patterns and cycles, and even tracks movement overnight. Not only that, but it even indicates to users if they snore or have breathing problems while sleeping. Sleepbot educates users on proper sleeping hygiene and how to fall asleep faster. So for those who have trouble falling asleep or have been relying on sleeping pills, please give this application a try!

Cheers and #StayAlpha





dr evil protein meme

“Which is better whey or casein?” said every novice lifter.

There seems to be a great deal of debate over which better, whey powder or casein powder, also referred to as fast-acting and slow-acting proteins, respectively. THENATTYBROFESSOR shall shed some light on this topic, clearing the air for those who are confused.

Firstly, let us look at whey. Whey is derived from the cheese-making process as a natural byproduct. Milk comprises mainly of two types of protein, whey and casein. When milk is coagulated during the process of making cheese, whey is leftover as a liquid. This liquid whey is then separated from casein and further filtered to remove any impurities. For this reason, whey in its purest form of isolates, contains almost 90% proteins, with very little fats or carbohydrates. Whey is later dried through various processes into the powdered form we are all familiar with.

Whey proteins are known as fast-acting proteins which means that the body can readily absorb the amino acids for protein synthesis. Within 20 – 40 minutes the amino acids in whey protein can be metabolised by the body promoting protein synthesis. This is why it is recommended that whey protein is consumed post-workout to replenish the amino acids lost and to stimulate growth.

Casein on the other hand are known as a slow-acting proteins as the body takes approximately 7 – 8 hours to fully metabolise the amino acids. This however is not a bad thing as casein promotes an anti-catabolic effect, or to put it simply, slows down the rate of protein breakdown. For this reason, casein has been the prime choice for consumption during the night before bedtime or between meals. This is because due to the slow-digesting nature of casein, it enables a slow but constant release of amino acids into the bloodstream helping to prevent the breakdown of proteins while  resting.

#BROFESSORTIP: Muscle Growth / Catabolism= Balance between protein synthesis and protein breakdown.

synthesis > breakdown = positive protein balance/ growth

synthesis < breakdown = negative protein balance/ catabolism


Wait…wait.. wait….I know what you’re thinking, “Why not just get the best of both worlds and mix the two proteins together?”. Hold on to your horses, there’s one element about casein that THENATTYBROFESSOR has not shed light on. Casein coagulates in the stomach, causing other proteins (whey included) to be absorbed at a much slower rate. Therefore, by mixing whey and casein together, we are blunting the rapid absorption of whey which compromises its ability to promote protein synthesis.

To sum it all up, maintaining a positive protein balance is the key to muscle growth, however, this does not mean constantly slamming your body with protein shakes and neglecting proper nutrition. Remember, balance is key to a fulfilling and lasting fitness journey.

poppin bottles gettin wheysted

Cheers and #StayAlpha




science cat

The Biological Value (BV) is a measurement used to calculate the proportion of protein absorbed from food that the body actually utilizes. Proteins are the main source of nitrogen in food. BV compares the rate of nitrogen uptake against the rate of nitrogen excretion. The higher the BV of a food, the more protein and nitrogen the body actually utilizes.

The formula used to calculate BV is:

BV = ( Nr / Na ) * 100


Na = nitrogen absorbed in proteins on the test diet

Nr = nitrogen incorporated into the body on the test diet




But so as to not put everyone to sleep (myself included), I shall not go into details of such boring arithmetics. The BV measurement is mainly used for protein sources of food, as the body does not store excess amino acids (unlike other macronutrients such as carbohydrates and fats). However, BV does not take into account the digestion and absorption rates of the body, which makes it limited in its use. But for the average fitness enthusiasts, it is a simple tool to determine good sources of protein. The chart below does the explanation.

BV protein chart

As we can see from the chart, whey protein ranks highest in terms of BV which is why it is recommended that whey protein is consumed by athletes especially those who do training with weights. Other good sources of protein are milk, eggs, fish, beef and chicken.

THENATTYBROFESSOR cautions: TOO much protein consumption leads to really terrible farts….#ProteinFarts

batista protein fart

Cheers and #StayAlpha








broscience toy story

This blog has been created to share the passion I have with fitness with the rest of the world. Being a lifter for close to four years, it does not make me a real “professor” in any way, but throughout my fitness journey, I have encountered many fitness myths and “broscience” nonsense.

My aim is to debunk these myths as well as learn more from a like-minded community. This blog has been dedicated to providing advice backed up by science, proven facts and my personal experience. Lets go BUST them!


1) Women should’nt lift weights as it makes them bulky

female bodybuilding

Step aside broscience, but what is this based on? Pictures of female bodybuilders or actual science? The actual science behind muscle-building is amazingly complex but one of the main hormones that help build muscle is testosterone. And this hormone is present in both males and females, but significantly lesser in females. Therefore, females will have a harder time trying to add muscle to their structures, which leads to many female bodybuilders resorting to the use of pro-hormones, steroids and other anabolic enhancers.

Muscle also requires A LOT of calories to build…….A LOT! So ladies, unless you are consuming a ton of calories along with a proper weight training programme, your muscles will only develop at a normal rate that helps increase the metabolism. The bulky structure seen by many female bodybuilders actually requires years of proper training and nutrition.

I hope this will make ladies will now be more willing to pick up some weights and shape up!

she lifts

2) “Dude, cardio is the only way to lose weight!”

WHAT?!?….This was one of the first few myths that I was introduced to when I first started lifting. Losing weight is not cardio specific, and by cardio I mean activities that work the cardiovascular system. (Eg. Running, swimming, playing sports…etc) Remember this people, “Calories in vs Calories out”. Weight loss is dependent on the balance between the amount of calories consumed and the amount of calories burned. Being in a caloric deficit, or consuming lesser than what your body burns, is what causes weight loss.


3) “Carbs after 7pm make you fat bro….”

As previously stated, weight loss is determined by energy balance within the body alongside thermodynamics. I would like to quickly address the “brostatement” by saying, “Eating too much makes you fat bro…”

When people go on low carbohydrate or low-carb diets, they do see weight loss and link this to the omission of carbohydrates from their diet. This is mainly due to two factors, the decrease in overall caloric intake and water loss. The omission of carbohydrates from the diet causes many individuals to be in a caloric deficit, therefore causing weight loss. This weight loss is also actually mostly water loss, and not fat loss. When we consume carbohydrates, the body breaks them down into glucose and stores them as glycogen molecules in our cells and muscles. This molecules draw water into the cells, thus by omitting carbohydrates, water leaves the cells, causing weight loss.

However, this weight loss is not constant as it is mainly water loss. Therefore, individuals following a low-carb diet often hit plateaus quickly and resort to further lowering their carbohydrate intake. This leads to complications such as low blood sugar levels and metabolic damage in severe cases.

So please, DONT listen to fad diets that restrict any macronutrient group. Instead to get effective weight loss, follow a proper training sequence alongside proper nutrition.

low carb bacon bowl

There you have it. The top 3 weight lifting myths that I have experienced throughout my fitness journey. Remember people, there is no one way to losing weight or gaining muscle. The body has evolved over centuries, and has become an adaptive machine. Every individuals’ body adapts differently so don’t let anyone tell you they have the “right way” to meeting your goals.

Cheers and #StayAlpha


PEACE OUT! Progress not Perfection.

*For more references, please check out*

Dr Alan Aragon (

Dr Layne Norton (

3D Muscle Journey (
