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The Biological Value (BV) is a measurement used to calculate the proportion of protein absorbed from food that the body actually utilizes. Proteins are the main source of nitrogen in food. BV compares the rate of nitrogen uptake against the rate of nitrogen excretion. The higher the BV of a food, the more protein and nitrogen the body actually utilizes.

The formula used to calculate BV is:

BV = ( Nr / Na ) * 100


Na = nitrogen absorbed in proteins on the test diet

Nr = nitrogen incorporated into the body on the test diet




But so as to not put everyone to sleep (myself included), I shall not go into details of such boring arithmetics. The BV measurement is mainly used for protein sources of food, as the body does not store excess amino acids (unlike other macronutrients such as carbohydrates and fats). However, BV does not take into account the digestion and absorption rates of the body, which makes it limited in its use. But for the average fitness enthusiasts, it is a simple tool to determine good sources of protein. The chart below does the explanation.

BV protein chart

As we can see from the chart, whey protein ranks highest in terms of BV which is why it is recommended that whey protein is consumed by athletes especially those who do training with weights. Other good sources of protein are milk, eggs, fish, beef and chicken.

THENATTYBROFESSOR cautions: TOO much protein consumption leads to really terrible farts….#ProteinFarts

batista protein fart

Cheers and #StayAlpha







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