
Calisthenics versus weightlifting, which is better? This debate has gone on for many years and still no conclusion has been made. Some people prefer calisthenics while others prefer weightlifting. Let the THENATTYBROFESSOR bring some peace to the debate, by giving some advice on choosing either training style.

For those who aren’t too sure what calisthenics is, it is basically a fancy term for an exercise program utilizing mainly bodyweight training and minimal equipment. For example, push ups, sit ups, pull-ups, levers, planches, etc. The background of calisthenics training comes from gymnastics and has evolved throughout the years.

Weightlifting on the other hand utilizes more equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, strength machines etc. This style of training is more mainstream with athletes and coaches, due to the ability to easily overload the muscle in the long run (THENATTYBROFESSOR shall elaborate on this later).

Now that we have a brief understanding of both types of training styles, let’s see how they match up.


First up, calisthenics can be done almost anywhere due to limited reliance on equipment. And it helps train flexibility and coordination due to its skill-based nature. Also, since limited equipment is needed, it is much more cost effective compared to weightlifting which usually requires a gym membership.

However, to progress with calisthenics style training requires a longer time due to its steep learning curve in terms of balance, mobility, strength and flexibility. Also, progress is usually stalled due to the limitations of bodyweight.

weighttraining gif

Weightlifting is great when it comes to getting bigger, as it is easier to progress due to the ability to overload the muscles with weights. Furthermore, progression is not limited to bodyweight, but the load of the weights available. It is also easier to learn weightlifting movements compared to calisthenics movements due to the less reliance on balance and flexibility. However, in order to train using this style, it requires the access to a gym or gym equipment. Thus, it is usually more costly compared to the calisthenics style of training.

After comparing both types of training, THENATTYBROFESSOR has only one conclusion………….


WHY? Because resistance is resistance, you get stronger and bigger by overcoming resistance. This means you can get stronger by using either type of training style. All that matters are your goals!

If your goal is to get as big and strong as possible in the shortest amount of time, calisthenics would probably not be your best option. But if you goal is to stay functional and agile, then calisthenics would definitely help you in reaching this goal!

Even better, incorporate both types of training styles into your workout program. This way you get a good balance of both, taking into consideration proper rest and nutrition. THENATTYBROFESSOR recommends this link for those looking to incorporate both styles into their workouts. So START TRAINING AND STOP DEBATING!

Cheers and #StayAlpha












Calisthenics Or Weight Lifting?


The gym. Some call it the iron temple, others call it the torture chamber; whatever the gym is to you, it is a place where you continuously challenge yourself both physically and mentally. The rise in the popularity of health and fitness has led to more and more people joining gyms and fitness clubs. These rise in popularity does come with some consequences that we gym-goers are all too familiar with! THENATTYBROFESSOR has picked out the top 5 problems which gym-goers face nowadays.


1) Stupid exercises that baffle the mind

latpulldown fail

stupid exercise w kettlebell

It’s for this reason that sometimes I wonder if these “geniuses” have mistaken the gym for a circus.

2) An ever-crowded gym floor


Not sure if at gym or rave party

As much as I appreciate it that more individuals are putting effort to improve their health, I constantly battle with the dislike of having to wait on equipment and weights at the gym.

3) People who go to the gym to workout their “finger muscles”

gym with finger muscles

gym texting

Very productive….very productive indeed….

4) People who don’t unrack the weights

rerack weightsfailure

fail to rerack weights

It’s such an annoying sight to see individuals who don’t rerack the weights or plates after using them. So please, RERACK YOUR WEIGHTS! It’s only good gym etiquette to do so.

5) When someone drops a fart-bomb (Protein-style)

batista protein fart

disgusted gif

Arghhh…. the vile, vomit-inducing protein fart….. All gym-goers know the smell of this invisible beast, it hits you without warning and the culprit will always escape detection.

That pretty much sums up the top 5 problems gym-goers face. I know it’s been a hiatus since my last post due to my new working schedule, but THENATTYBROFESSOR will continue to share new knowledge with readers!

Cheers and #StayAlpha








The deadlift is second to the squat in terms of building strength, power and a strong midsection. If you are an athlete looking to improve your sports performance be it rugby, sprinting, basketball etc; deadlifts should be included into your program!

Performed correctly, the deadlift helps to promote good posture and prevent injuries by strengthening the core. But much too often does THENATTYBROFESSOR see people performing deadlifts with bad form leading to lower back injuries and resulting in some people accusing the deadlift of being an “injury-inflicting exercise”! THENATTYBROFESSOR strives to clear the name of the innocent deadlift through this article, by first teaching the proper set up before moving on to the technique.

There are various forms of the deadlift, but today THENATTYBROFESSOR will focus on the most commonly used variation, the conventional deadlift.

Setting up

The proper set up for the deadlift is actually pretty simple, THENATTYBROFESSOR has helped to summarise it into 3 simple steps, “Walk, Grab and Sit”

1) Walk: Approach the bar and align your feet such that the bar is directly above your mid-foot. Widen your stance to shoulder width with toes pointing out slightly (about 15°).

2) Grab: Without bending your knees bend down to grab the bar, ensuring that your arms are hanging just outside your legs.

3) Sit: The next step would be to sit your butt backwards and bend your knees until your shin touches the bar. At this point, stop! Do not allow the bar to move over your mid-foot.


Now that you are in the right position to start the deadlift, lets get ready to lift some heavy weights. The deadlift, as its name suggests, starts from a “dead” position. What this means is that each repetition should start from the floor when the bar has come to a complete stop. This means no bouncing off the ground! The deadlift starts from the bottom and ends at the bottom.

The deadlift

1) Chest up: Now that you are in position, lift your chest upwards while maintaining a neutral spine. Do not move that bar yet, do not drop your hips or squeeze your shoulder blades.

2) Breath in: Take a deep breath and force the air downwards just below your ribcage. This will help to create tension between the abdominal walls, acting like an inbuilt “lifting belt”.

3) Get ready, pull!: NOW PULL! The bar should travel upwards along your shin and continue to pull upwards until your knees straighten before lowering the weight.

4) Set the weight down, repeat: When the bar has been lowered and come to a complete stop, repeat steps 1 – 3 again.


There you have it, THENATTYBROFESSOR has just taught you how to deadlift with proper form. It will take some time to practice to drill in the form, this means using lighter weights.

“But I’ll lose all my GAINS….!”

Yes, you may have use lighter weights, but no your gains will not be lost! In fact, by using proper form, you will actually be gaining more strength as you are maximising the effectiveness of the exercise. So time to put your EGO out the door and start practicing. For more information about proper deadlift techniques, please check out the video and links below!

beyonce deadlift


Cheers and #StayAlpha







If you think you are, this race will test your limits beyond normal obstacle courses. Get ready cause it ain’t easy.


The Spartan Race is a combination of an obstacle course and a marathon. This race was first started by Joe DeSena, a world-class adventure racer. The first race was held in Vermont, United States in the year 2010. The finishers of the Spartan Race will be given medals upon completion to commemorate their initiation to a community of “Spartans”. The top placing racers will also be given prizes and those who manage to complete three different obstacle courses in one year will be given the sought after “Trifecta medal”. The Spartan Races are held internationally and boasts three different courses to cater to each individual’s fitness level.

There are three basic race types of the Spartan Race:

  • Spartan Sprint
  • Spartan Super
  • Spartan Beast

The Spartan Sprint is the shortest course, which is suitable for athletes of all levels. The course is a 5 kilometre route with 15 obstacles along the way. It is non-competitive and participants can complete the course at their own pace.

*THENATTYBROFESSOR rating: Challenging*

The Spartan Super is for those seeking to challenge themselves and is catered to intermediate or advanced runners. The course comprises of a 13-kilometre route with 20 obstacles to slow runners down. The terrain for the Spartan Super is usually more rugged compared to the Spartan Sprint.

*THENATTYBROFESSOR rating: Separates the Spartans from the men*

Now for those thrill-seekers who really want to test their limits, they have the Spartan Beast. Correctly named, this beast of a course stretches 20 kilometres and consists of a staggering 25 obstacles to push anyone to their limits. This course is the hardest of the three and should only be attempted by those who have enough experience and training.

*THENATTYBROFESSOR rating: Are you insane?!*

Though the terrain and route vary country to country, there are a few standard obstacles that regular Spartans know too well.

Standard Obstacles:

Still think it’s easy? The Spartan Race also has Burpee Zones for participants who violate race rules and regulations. And there are specific criteria to be met for a proper burpee to be counted. A video below will help explain this better.


Still think it’s easy? Then maybe you should try out the Spartan Race World Championships. In order to qualify to be an Elite Spartan, you have to first earn your coin, register for the Beast (Elite) Race and lastly, give it your best.

There are 4 conditions that entitle you to receive a coin.

  1. Placing within the Top 5 racers for either the men or women’s Elite Heat
  2. Placing within the Top 10 racers for the Elite Heat of ANY International event
  3. Being the Top 50 racers in US Elite Point Series standings (the main standings not the Stadium series)
  4. Being invited by the organisers to join (ONLY applies to Top Athletes, eg Olympic medalists)

The Elite Beast race is similar to that of the normal Beast race, just that it stretches a distance of almost 42-kilmetres. The organisers only reveal the distance of the course, but are secretive about the obstacles along the way. This helps to keep things interesting for regular Spartans who join race after race. You can be assured that this course is definitely not one that is going to be easy, even for advanced athletes.

*THENATTYBROFESSOR rating: ONLY for the Demi-Gods*

For more information regarding the Spartan Race, visit their official website at or check out their social media profiles.




Cheers and #StayAlpha





weighing scale omg

Many of us are already familiar with this term “BMI”, but for those of you who don’t, BMI is an acronym for Body Mass Index.  BMI is based on the weight and height of the person, it has been the go-to measure many health professionals have used to assess their patients. The calculation for BMI is pretty simple, as illustrated below.

BMI = ( Weight in Kilograms / ( Height in Meters x Height in Meters ) )

However, this calculation is an inaccurate measure of a person’s health as it fails to take into account, body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, general overall body composition, ethnicity, and gender.

bmi men range

Based on the BMI measure, healthy individuals fall between the ranges of 18.5-25. An individual who is slight overweight would fall between the ranges of 25-30. And individuals who are obese would have BMIs of more than 30. Individuals with BMIs of 30 or higher have been deemed to be at a higher risk of getting diseases such as; diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc. However, BMI often tends to make short people seem thinner than they are and make tall people seem fatter than they actually are! BMI also tends to classify people with more muscle versus fat content as obese; especially athletes!

BMI fat and muscle same

THENATTYBROFESSOR has come up with a simple example to show you why. A quick calculation of BMI for ex-WWE superstar Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson would have him be categorized in the obese range.

Dwayne’s measurements are as follows:

Height: 1.96m

Weight: 118kg

BMI: (118/ [1.96 x 1.96]) = 30.716

the rock is not impressed

……. the rock is obese?

THE ROCK dwayne johnson

Clearly, based on his picture, Dwayne is far from obese. In fact, he actually carries quite a lot of muscle and minimal fat. The reason for this is that muscle is denser than fat, which means that per cubic centimetre of muscle weighs more than per cubic centimetre of fat.

The formula for BMI was first devised by Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet in 1830. Yes, you read that right, 1830! THENATTYBROFESSOR is not saying that old knowledge is useless, but that there were reasons why BMI was used in the olden days. During Quetelet’s time, there were no supercomputers, calculators or electronic devices and technology was pretty simple. Therefore, using the simple formula of BMI would help doctors to easily measure their patients. However, fast forward to more than 100 years into the future, and we can see the drastic improvements in not just technology in general but medical science as well!

So what’s the solution? Use other means of calculating body composition alongside using BMI. THENATTYBROFESSOR recommends using the waist-circumference measure for the sake of convenience and simplicity.

To do this wrap a tape measure above your hip bone around your body, such that it is level with your belly button.  For men, waist-circumference measurements should not exceed 100 cm (40 inches). And for women, waist-circumference measurements should not exceed 87.5 cm (35 inches).

waist measure

Research has shown that waist-circumference is a strong indicator of Type II diabetes and other weight related diseases.  For those who have BMIs over 30 and waist-circumference measures that exceed the healthy range, it is recommended that these individuals undergo a fat loss program. THENATTYBROFESSOR has posted here, here and here to help! Remember this quote “Health is Wealth”, so start investing now!

the rock smiles....

Cheers and #StayAlpha










tony horton curl in squat rack

“Bro, you have gotta change up your workouts every week, otherwise your muscles will adapt and stop growing!”

“If muscle growth hits a plateau, you have to ‘shock’ the tissue in order to resume progress.”

This might be a familiar idea that many lifters have heard about. The concept of “muscle confusion”. For those of you unaware about this concept, it is basically the idea that due to homeostasis, the muscles in the body will adapt to a certain training stimulus, and the stimulus will lose it growth effect over time. It was first made popular by Joe Weider during the 1960s, and has been floating around the fitness community ever since.

More recently, this concept has been taken to the spotlight once again by infomercial fitness trainer, Tony Horton. According to Horton’s programme, the P90X, the constant changing of exercises each workout helps to prevent plateauing. Thus, this would in turn force the body to constantly adapt to new stimulus.

THENATTYBROFESSOR thinks this is just a marketing gimmick! Just another way so-called fitness “gurus” use scientific studies, and distort the studies to suit their needs. Let THENATTYBROFESSOR tell you guys once and for all that the primary stimulus for building muscles is PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD! That means, increasing the overall volume of your workouts either by increasing the number of repetitions or by increasing the weight.

Getting stronger and bigger is all about being consistent! Imagine trying to get good at doing a bench press, but never ever actually practicing benching. Do you think you will improve? Like the old saying, “Practice makes perfect”! Muscles adapt to increased VOLUME or LOAD, not exercise VARIETY. If you still need further convincing, look at the programs or training of elite athletes, they seldom vary in terms of exercises done. Muscle adaptation is what helps us to make progress, it should not be seen as something to avoid.  In fact, muscle adaptation is what causes them to grow!

But, there are some truths behind the muscle confusion concept. Our progress will eventually plateau, but this does not occur as fast as P90X advocates claim. Furthermore, plateauing is part and parcel of training, it is impossible to totally avoid it.

There are some merits towards switching out your workout routine once in a while, this allows other muscles that may not be activated while doing the old exercises to be activated when doing new ones. For example, if you have always been doing flat bench press, you could switch to doing inclined bench press which recruits more muscle fibres of the upper chest. THENATTYBROFESSOR recommends switching up your workout routine every 6-8 weeks, as this allows other muscle fibres to be stimulated.

For more information regarding muscle growth and adaptation, THENATTYBROFESSOR has provided a few links below!

muscle confusion dr evil

Cheers and #StayAlpha








diet and exercise aint no body got time for that

“Well, actually…..YOU DO!”

In today’s society there is pretty much an application (or app for short) for anything and everything. Whether be it for communication, music or even fitness. Many developers are now developing apps for health and fitness as there has been a growing awareness about healthy living. Furthermore, these apps make it easier for the majority of individuals to stay fit and healthy despite their busy schedules and hectic work-life. THENATTYBROFESSOR has shortlisted 5 apps that are noteworthy for 2015.

Noteworthy Apps of 2015

1) KFit

kfit trx

KFit is the new kid on the block. It was founded by Joel Neoh, the same person who started Groupon, during the start of 2015. KFit is a monthly subscription that entitles users to memberships with not just one gym, fitness centre or activity but a collection of them under the KFit group. The company has branched out to Kuala Lumpar, Singapore, Australia and even Hong Kong! This is one app not to be missed.

2) FitStar

fitstar app

Ever wanted a personal trainer right at your fingertips? Well, now you can with FitStar! FitStar provides users with the convenience of changing their lives through fitness by allowing them access to multiple workout videos. For the busy bees out there, the app includes short workouts that you can easily fit into your schedule. Now there is no more excuse not to exercise.

3) ShopWell

shopwell image

If FitStar was a personal trainer in your pocket, ShopWell would be the nutritionist in your pocket. ShopWell is an app that guides users towards making healthy food choices, by providing information about nutrition labels and foods. It also shares with users healthier substitutions for unhealthy ones.

4) Ingredient1

ingredient1 sugar

Ingredient1 allows users to discover new healthy alternatives that they will love through user defined preferences. We all know the boring “bro-foods” of broccoli, chicken breast, eggs etc. Based on these preferences the app recommends users foods to meet their nutritional goals, and still enjoy every meal! Ingredient1 even assembles these foods into a grocery list for greater convenience.

5) Sworkit


No equipment? Not a lot of time to spare? No problem! Sworkit allows users to customise each workout by choosing the amount of spare time they have. Furthermore, no equipment is needed to perform these workouts. This is a great way for desk-bound individuals to squeeze time for a workout despite their usual busy schedules.


THENATTYBROFESOR has shared with you the 5 noteworthy apps of 2015, so what are you waiting for? Get your fingers pressing and start downloading them! No more excuses for an unhealthy lifestyle! Better yet, get your family, friends and colleagues to join you to have a more enjoyable time!

family exercise

Cheers and #StayAlpha




Hello Fitfam, you might have heard of this new trend that has been gaining momentum in the fitness community, Broga.

Broga can be thought of as yoga for men. Many men commonly associate yoga with women in yoga pants doing body contorting poses and it usually has a feminine stereotype attached to it. Not only that, but many men often assume that only two types of men go for yoga classes; men that are gay and want to get connected with their feminine side OR men that are creeps and just attending classes to ogle at women. Due to such stereotypes regarding yoga, the attendance of males in yoga classes is usually very low. However, what this men are forgetting are the benefits that yoga can bring, mainly in the area of mobility and flexibility.

By staying being flexible, it actually prevents individuals from injury during physical activity.

According to the founder of this new the creator and co-founder of this new “yoga for bros”, Robert Sidoti, “A lot of guys were saying: ‘I can’t touch my knees, let alone my toes. I would never go to a mostly women class and do things I’m no good at”. Sidoti created Broga with one thing in mind; to bring the benefits of yoga to all men.

The Broga Yoga company website states, “Broga combines the best core-strengthening, muscle-toning, cardio-working, stress-reducing, clarity-enhancing yoga postures with functional fitness exercises for an amazing workout. You’ll get that pumped-up feeling you get from working out and a deep flexibility and relaxation feeling from ‘working in.'”

But Broga is not just for men, it also welcomes women to join. THENATTYBROFESSOR is not saying that we should all jump onto the Broga bandwagon, but there are benefits of being flexible. Whether its doing mobility exercises, stretching or yoga/Broga, all these can be geared towards a healthier body.

*Just some thoughts THENATTYBROFESSOR has regarding this new trend*

Cheers and #StayAlpha





bane asks fibre

Dietary fibre or fibre is often overlooked in many of our diets, which is essential to having a balanced and nutritious diet. It is a substance that is found in the plant foods we consume and cannot be completely broken down by the digestive enzymes in our body. Previously, scientists thought that dietary fibre was completely indigestible by the body, but more recently, it has been found that some dietary fibre can actually be fermented in the large intestine by gut bacteria. There are two types of dietary fibre; soluble and insoluble.

Soluble Fibre

Soluble fibre can be completely digested by the body. It attracts water and turns into a gel-like substance during digestion. Due to this, soluble fibre helps to slow down digestion.

Insoluble Fibre

Insoluble fibre cannot be digested by the body. It passes through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract without being broken down. It helps to push other digested foods down the GI tract.

So know that you know what dietary fibre is, you might be wondering what benefits this substance actually brings. THENATTYBROFESSOR will share the benefits of having an adequate intake of dietary fibre with you!



1) Healthy bowel movement

Dietary fibre helps to soften the stool in your body, thus making them easier to pass through the GI tract.

2) Prevents constipation

Along the lines of the first point, having an adequate intake of dietary fibre helps to prevent constipation. However, overconsuming fibre can actually cause constipation, especially if fluid intake is insufficient

3) Heart Health

Dietary fibres eaten in adequate amounts can help reduce blood cholesterol levels. Diets rich in dietary fibre have been shown to reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

4) Controls Blood Sugar levels

Because dietary fibre slows down digestion, it slows down the rate at which the body can digest and absorb sugars. This is especially favorable for individuals with diabetes, as it helps them to regulate their blood glucose levels by preventing insulin spikes.

5) Provides satiety

Dietary fibre, as stated previously, forms a gel-like substance in the body which slows down digestion. This also causes you to feel fuller for a longer period of time. Thus, an adequate intake of dietary fibre can actually help individuals to lose weight by providing more satiety after a meal.


According to the British Nutrition Foundation, adults should aim for a fibre intake of around 18-25 per day. For those looking to increase their fibre intake, THENATTYBROFESSOR will also share with you a list of foods that are high in fibre.

Cereals Serving Fibre in grams
White Rice 1 bowl cooked 1.0
Brown Rice 1 bowl cooked 3.0
White Bread 2 slices 1.5
Wholemeal Bread 2 slices 5.0
Barley Boiled 2 teaspoons 1.0
Oats Raw 2 teaspoons 3.5
Chappati 1 small 2.0
Cornflakes 1 cup small 3.0
All-bran 1 cup small 8.0
Baked Beans 2 teaspoons 4.0
Mung Beans Cooked 2 teaspoons 3.0
Red Kidney Beans 1 teaspoon 7.5
Peas Frozen 2 teaspoons 4.0
Lentils Boiled 2 teaspoons 2.0
Chick Peas Cooked 2 teaspoons 3.0


Fruits Serving Fibre in grams
Apple 1 small 2.0
Orange 1 small 3.0
Pear 1 small 2.0
Papaya 1 medium slice 2.0
Pineapple 1 medium slice 1.5
Guava 1 medium 4.0
Grapes 10 – 12 small 1.0


Vegetables Serving Fibre in grams
French Beans 1 cup small 3.0
Broccoli 1 cup small 3.0
Cabbage 1 cup small 2.0
Carrots 1 cup small 3.0
Potato 1 small 1.0
Spinach 1 cup small 6.0
Tomato 1 small 1.0
Chye Sim, Kailan 1 cup small 3.0
Brinjal 1 cup small 2.5

Although dietary fibre is not a ‘nutrient’, it is nevertheless an important component of our diets. The fact that it passes through the body without being absorbed is the main reason why fibre is so important.

cat eats too much fibre bars

Cheers and #StayAlpha












note taking

I have a friend named Joe-Bro. He is pretty dedicated when it comes to lifting weights, you see him at the gym busting workouts day-in and day-out. However, Joe-Bro always enters the gym without a plan. He just goes into the gym and does whatever he wants.

And after a year, guess what……







Joe-Bro looks exactly the SAME.

Sounds familiar? Rookies usually oversee the importance of tracking their workouts, whether it be the amount of weight lifted, the number of repetitions they performed, the distance they ran etc.

A wise man once said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. This is so true especially when it comes to improving your health. If you do not track your current or previous records, how would you know if you have made progress?

Whenever you exercise, you should always have a plan of what you are going to do. I tell all beginners to keep a journal and write everything down in it. Even if it’s not detailed, a rough plan telling them what exercises need to be performed is good enough. Beginners should also track their progress through their workouts. And more importantly, always try to beat the previous records. Note, however, that the aim should be progress not perfection. An extra repetition or a 1 sec improvement in timing is still progress, by having such a mindset would not only help you stay more positive, but also allow you to enjoy the process of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Cheers and #StayAlpha


